
Our apprenticeship programme opportunities could be the starting point of a well paid and rewarding career in the digital and tech sector, 在西北地区一家领先的科技企业工作, 有以下途径:

  • 软件开发人员
  • 业务分析师
  • 数据分析师

Throughout the year we recruit and assess a selected group of learners who can demonstrate the right attitude and aptitude for becoming excellent software developers, 业务分析师和数据分析师, with no previous experience needed - a willingness to learn and a demonstration of self-learning is essential to success though!

如果选择, you'll be hired by well-known tech companies and brands and undertake the level 4 apprenticeship in the pathway of your choice- earning up to £25,000*当你在节目中.

Did you know that you can also join any of our apprenticeship programmes to upskill and retrain with your existing employer?









该项目 are open to people from all backgrounds and experiences.

It's not essential to have done any training already in these areas but you do need a can-do attitude and a willingness to learn.


  • 解决问题
  • 具有创造力 
  • 作为团队的一部分工作 
  • 协同工作 
  • 专注于解决方案 
  • 挑战自我 
  • 利用科技来产生影响

We have employers keen to hire people who are passionate about tech and we want to hear from you!


  • 开始你的科技事业吧
  • 提供一个提升技能或转行的绝佳途径
  • 为科技公司提供全职工作
  • 给你一个专门的行业导师
  • 找一个学习和发展教练来支持你
  • Provide the best industry training available, designed and delivered by industry experts 
  • Offer a great training salary with excellent future earning potential 

  • 学徒制是如何运作的?


    If your application is shortlisted we will be in touch in May/June for a short virtual interview. 候选人 will then be invited to attend an assessment and selection day which will be held in June/July.

    For full details about the recruitment and selection process for each apprenticeship pathway, 请在下面下载候选人指南. 

    If you successfully secure an apprenticeship position on the programme, 你将在九月或十月开始工作和培训.


    每个途径都有自己的招聘和选拔过程. However the following give you a broad overview of the key elements to expect. 请参阅个别学徒途径:

    • 团队协作的挑战
    • A technical challenge (not to test you current ability but your potential and approach)
    • 与雇主见面
    • 被选中的人与雇主进行后续面试
    • 提出和接受工作邀请
    • 正式澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台学徒计划.


    该项目s start in September and runs for between 18-24 months, depending on the pathway.

    你将接受辅助的技术培训, 当你为你的雇主从事带薪全职工作时. You will attend a Get Ready Bootcamp (paid) initially before joining your employer and team.

    You will then attend a regular technical training timetable throughout the year.

    以及技术培训, you will also have the opportunity to attend additional masterclasses, 黑客, 网络和行业会议活动.

    You will be supported by a dedicated mentor and the programme learning and skills coach, who will meet with you and your mentor or line manager regularly through your apprenticeship to support you through your journey and ensure you are progressing.

    圆满完成课程, you will have achieved a Level 4 apprenticeship qualification which is nationally and industry recognised. 这相当于HNC.


    One of the great benefits of an apprenticeship over other routes is that you'll earn whilst you train!

    Whilst on the training programme as an apprentice, salaries usually range from £18,000 to £24,000. However, this will vary from employer to employer hiring through the programme.




    • 而不是被另一个学徒录取, 或其他教育部资助的高等教育/高等教育课程, 在任何新的学徒期开始的同时;
    • Not be asked to contribute financially to the cost of learning or assessment;
    • 不使用学生贷款支付学徒费用;
    • Have the right to work in England and spend at least 50% of their working hours in England over the duration of the apprenticeship;


    • A citizen of a country within the European Economic Area (EEA) (including other countries determined within the EEA or those with bilateral agreements), 或在英国有居留权, and have been ordinarily resident in the EEA (including other countries determined within the EEA or those with bilateral agreements), 从学习的第一天起,至少在过去三年;
    • A non-EEA citizen with permission from the UK government to live in the UK, (not for educational purposes) and have been ordinarily resident in the UK for at least the previous three years before the start of learning.

    有关资格的进一步说明,请参阅第84 -页 学徒资助规则和对雇主的指导

    请参阅赞美及投诉政策 在这里.

    健康与安全政策可在此找到 在这里.

    保护政策可在此找到 在这里


    如果你想从事软件开发, 商业分析或数据分析可能适合你, 马上申请.

    Apprenticeship could be right for you - start your application by filling in a form below.


    Please sign up to our register of interest and we'll let you know when our next candidate recruitment window is open. 或者继续查看我们的网站了解详情并申请.

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